www.chitratara.com giving due credit to this compilation (appeard in Bangalore Mirror) would like to add that the grass root cause for the demise of Dr.Rajakumar and Dr Vishnuvardhana is the rigorous walking. For 108 days fugitive Veerappan made Rajanna to walk in the most horrible places and he obliged despite of knee ailment. That rigorous punishment Rajanna faced was no doubt put him down physically. In the case of Dr Vishnuvardhana it is a ‘Padayatra’ for the collection of flood relief. Dr Vishnuvardhana went by walk for six hours despite of severe leg pains and this has increased the trouble for him in his legs. That has become the main reason for his admission to Vikram Hospital in Mysore.
Yet another striking similarity noticed besides the listing given is that both loved ‘Peace’. Dr Rajakumar always called upon peace and Dr Vishnuvardhana took this ‘peace’ message in his film ‘Mathad Mathad Mallige’ as Hoovaiah. Here is yet another similarity - Dr Rajakumar supported the farmers by being a brand ambassador to Karnataka Milk Products and Dr Vishnuvardhana in the globalization and farmers getting nasty blow stood as the representative of their problems in ‘Mathad Mathad Mallige’ that was adjudged the 3rd best film in the state level.
Raj Kumar died in 06 (2006) Vishnuvardhan in 09 (2009) both years are multiples of 3.
Raj Kumar died 2 days before New Years day (New Year starts on April 14th as per Souramana Calendar) Vishnuvardhan also died 2 days before New Years day (New Year starts on January 1st as per Gregorian Calendar)
Raj Kumar was born on the 24th 2+4 =6 Vishnuvardhan was born on the 18th 1+8 =9 again multiples of 3
Raj Kumar died on the 12th 1+2 =3 Vishnuvardhan died on the 30th 3+0 =3 again 3
Raj Kumar died on the 12th Vishnuvardhan died in the 12th month
Raj Kumar and Vishnuvardhan both died on Wednesday
Raj Kumars birth and death was in the same month April Vishnuvardhans birth and death was in the same city Mysore
Both Raj Kumar and Vishnuvardhans wifes names ends with THI Rajs wife is PARVATHI while Vishnuvardhans wife is BHARATHI
Raj Kumar was born on the 24th and died on the 12th a difference of 12 Vishnuvardhan was born on the 18th and died on the 30th again a difference of 12
Raj Kumar died in Ramaiah Hospital Raj Kumar and Ramaiah R Vishnuvardhan died in Vikram Hospital Vishnuvardhan and Vikram V
Both Raj Kumar and Vishnuvardhan died of massive heart attack
Raj Kumar received Honorary Doctorate from Mysore University in 1976 22 years after his 1st film Vishnuvardhan received Honorary Doctorate from Bangalore University in 2005 33 years after his 1st film
Raj Kumar got married before starting his film career Vishnuvardhan married after entering the film field
Raj Kumar has 2 sisters, Sharadamma and Nagamma and a brother,Varadaraju Vishnuvardhan has 4 sisters, Indrani, Jayasri, Ramaa and Poornima, and a brother, Ravikumar
Raj Kumar R and Varadaraju V Vishnuvardhan V and Ravikumar R
Raj Kumars 1st film 1954, 100th film 1968 and 200th film 1988 Vishnuvardhans 1st film 1972, 100th film 1986 and 200th film 2010 (yet to be released)
Raj film career started in 54 5+4 = 9 Vishnuvardhans film career started in 72 7+2 = 9
Raj Kumar and Vishnuvardhan both took 14 years to reach the 100 film mark
Raj Kumars 100th film was in 68 Vishnuvardhans 100th film was in 86
Raj Kumar took 20 years to reach the 200 film mark while Vishnuvardhans film Aptharakshaka if released in 2010, would be 24 years after his 100th film