The 82 film of Usha Kiron Movies headed by Dr.Ramoji Rao, studio owner, editor and ace businessman in Andhra Pradesh has made the 10th Kannada film ‘Savaari’ that is having a unique style of audio release in the coming Sunday. At Mysore, Mangalore, Bangalore, Davanagere and Hubli the five songs of the film will be simultaneously released in the outlets and that is telecast making use the latest technology says Mr Subba Naidu the regional head.
‘Savaari’ is nothing but the remake of story writer Radhakrishna ‘Gamyam’ Telugu film. Raghu Mukerjee of Paris Pranaya is in the modern opulent son role that on the way to meet his destiny life partner faces many routes that slowly changes his outlook to life. Srinagara Kitty the one who meet Raghu Mukerjee on the way to love journey that is Kamalanee Mukerjee becomes an important chatter box in the film.
Jacob Verghese who made a thought provoking film in the past that gave him the national recognition is making his first attempt in Kannada. He has not altered the crux of the film but improved here and there for better of the Kannada version.
In 51 days shoot the film travels from Bangalore to Belur, Kukke Subramanya and other splendid locations with a cultural backdrop. My transition of the role that in the end establish something very fine impressed me a lot said Raghu Mukerjeee. He has dubbed for his portions for the film. That English accent was required for the film says his co star Kitty. Kitty is the one who finds Raghu in the middle of his journey.
This film focuses on Naxalite and love issue. Milind Gunaji plays the villain role. The stress on humanity, the philosophical touch ala Gauthama Budha got you find in the film says dialogue writer Manju Mandavya.
Manikanth Kadri has scored five tunes in which three afresh and two are lifted from original film ‘Gamyam’. R.Vel Raj is the cameraman. Srikara Prasad is the editor of the film.
Suman Ranganath, Sadhu Kokila, Dinesh Mangalore, Prakash Arasu, CR Simha, Lokanath, Dattatreya, MN Lakshmi Devi are also in the supporting cast.