Posted date: 2/September/2009

Livid Lahari Velu has put an axe this time on the Television channels for using the software that is the songs in the custody of audio cassettes companies.

Lahari Recording Company with over 12000 titles in the last 30 years with seven of AR Rehman musical film scores is getting royalty whenever Rehamanji perform the songs of inside or outside the country. The FM channels are paying annually. It is only the television channels that are not remitting by kidnapping the songs our audio houses charged Velu.

I am seriously contemplating on approaching the legal cell to file cases on those who use the songs of our company. Lahari Audio Company alone should get at least Rs.5 crores annually. In all the South India the audio houses are cheated to the extent of Rs.120 crores says Velu.

Nobody can use even the orchestra operators the songs of the films according to the guidelines of IPRS – Indian Performing Rights Society. Look at what Yashraj Films in Mumbai does. None of the films songs of the Yashraj Films is easily available.

The 10 television channels in Karnataka are just doing the kidnapping by taking the films songs at their whims and fancies. The music director like Gurukiran who perform on stage in India and abroad should learn to respect the law of IPRS says Velu.

Manohar. R.(Manu),
Photo Journalist
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