Posted date: 2/January/2010

Debut director Jayavanth and debut producer Gajendra have made a good beginning from ‘Minugu’. There is nothing less except good music in this film. In total the film is a grand watch for the audience because of the screenplay, ability of actors and formidable good story.

Aditya (Sunil Rao) a college friend of now a top star Sanchitha (Pooja Gandhi) has nothing to do for his living. He is banking on his sister revenue. He is able cyclist but that is not enough to catch a big star you wonder. Looking at the connection of Aditya and Sanchitha there is a guy Siddarth (Ajith Handhe) who uses the opportunity to win his intentions of marrying Sanchitha. Initially Sanchitha misunderstood Aditya and finally she learns the ulterior motive of Siddarth. The honesty of Aditya is given good support by Sanchitha that later leads in happy ending.

Pooja Gandhi looks a little fat but she has acted well, looks glamorous and her costumes are added value to the role. Sunil Rao known for ticklish situations on screen should have had some more ‘Tharles’. Ajith Handhe has come from theatre is able to handle this kind of role with ease.

Goapu should have clicked in some good tunes. Satishkumar is OK in his camera work. ‘Minugu’ is worth a decko!

Banner – Arpitha Chitra, Producer – Gajendra, Story, direction – A Jayavanth, Cinematography – Satish Kumar, Music – Goapu, Cast – Sunil Rao, Pooja Gandhi, Ajith Handhe, Umesh, Sangeetha Shetty, Akshatha, Master Sachin and others.


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