Journalist colleague Ganesh Kasargod as care taker of the film has successfully driven the film ‘Porkhi’ to the first copy stage and now it is up to good publicity of the film says actor Darshan. The film team coming in batches to hotel 37 Crescent on Monday afternoon explained the happiness of the completion and lavish style of making.
According to Ganesh Kasargod everything has come out well. For the role of Darshan father he thought of Dr Vishnu but it lead to some confusion. But the same role was taken up by Avinash he said.
Producer Dattatreya Bache Gowda pointed to budget as Rs.7 crores and that has consumed more time in the media address. He said when asked the artist’s payment is just 25 percent. But the cost of production and post production was high he pointed. But no producer gives the correct figures came from hero Darshan.
For Darshan this is a heavy film in his career. For the comparison of three languages the fitting answer is given in this film he said. Debutant Pranithi said it was happy going and picnic experience for her from first film that was also a learning experience.
Director MD Sridhar disclosed that he gave the budget of rs.5.5 crores and that has gone up. The scenes are crispy when compared to other three languages. Krishnakumar the efficient cameraman of Kannada cinema said the using of super 35 an DI for the film plus the action scenes consuming more time and energy gives an impression that every frame is a treat to watch.
This is the 99th film of editor Sounder Rajan. He has immensely liked the takings and lavish style of making this film ‘Porkhi’.
‘Porkhi’ is placed before the censor board. In all probabilities it is hitting the screen in the middle of this month.