The century hero Shivarajakumar’s 100th film the much expected film ‘Jogaiah’ audio will be releasing only on 18th of May. The tracks have been sent to London for technological additions to the songs say director Prem.
Meanwhile there is some news from closets on the variety of songs captured in the camera. One of the songs is related to what happens if the ‘Pralaya’ takes place. The position of cities like Bengaluru, Hubballi in case of Prayala is depicted. In another song the Kings are opposite Rowdies. One more song is very interesting – Shivarajakumar enact the yesteryear stars that include his father too.
In Mysore Shivarajakumar on a cycle for that famous Nagarahavu Kannada film – Ambarish with a cigarette (remember that) saying Ye Bul Bul Mathadakillva….was shot.
There are many more surprises like this in ‘Jogaiah’ and the film release only during the Varamahalakshmi festival says director Prem and producer Rakshita.
The first time in the Indian cinema the first ‘3D’ song is captured for a Kannada film ‘Jogaiah’ the 100th film of hat trick hero Shivarajakumar. This is another high point of the film. This particular song is screened in three to four theatres with the spectacles served to the audience. For shooting he has invested more than Rs.1.5 crore for one song that comes for five minutes on the silver screen. For this ‘3D’ song director Prem is setting a war backdrop. From Kalinga War to the latest Kargil War he is adjusting the frames. Nearly 600 plus extras director is using for this particular song. The starting point for shoot to this song is Chitradurga district the rock city.
‘Jogaiah’ has done shooting in Hrishikesh with 300 sadhus, in Mysore, Hubli, Karwar and other surroundings. Nanda is the cameraman. Dialogues are written by Narendra Babu. Stunts are composed by Mass Madha. V Harikrishna is finalizing the tunes.
Shivarajakumar, Sumith Kaur Atwal, Pooja Gandhi, Navya, B Ganapathi, Ravishanker, Gururaj Hoskote, Umesh Punga, Suresh Mangalore, John, Dashavara Chandru are in the cast.