Director Basvaraj Bellary after a straight subject ‘Seena’ has now made the preparation of script from the thought lent by producer Nargis Babu son Khammer. Ravishanker actor in big and small screen provided the extra elements.
That is ‘Maha Buddivantha’. Without telling he makes the plan efficiently. Ravishanker obviously is the central character. Shashikumar is playing the ACP, veteran BC Patil with counterpart Jennier Kotwal is playing a director who dejected in his life. Neethu is playing college going student role.
The happenings of ‘Maha Buddivantha’ will be 70 percent in this house that has one floor. A thief barge in to the house and starts helping the characters without to his knowledge and is given the position of a driver.
Basavaraja Bellary agrees that this film has inspiration from a few films. He has completed one week of shooting and in 25 days he will be completing the shooting.
For Jennifer Kotwal this film is vivacious and bit serious too. Neethu is playing the character that is equally opposite to her nature in real life.
Krupakar is scoring two songs and this is his 40th film. Shanker is the cameraman.