For the 68 years Karnataka Maha Kulla Dwarakish who served as an actor for 48 years producer as 35 years and director as 25 years the evolution of ‘Dwarakish Geleyara Gumpu’ – Hale Beru Hosa Chiguru has kept him in very happy mood.
The inauguration of Dwarakish Geleyara Gumpu is taking place on 10th of October at Gayana Samaja KR Road Bangalore at 6 pm.
Dr Si Shanthaveera Mahaswamy Koladha Mata is presiding over the function. The filmy man and former chief minister HD Kumaraswamy will be inaugurating the ‘DGG’. The chief guests on this occasion are KCN Chandrasekhar, AR Raju, HR Ranganath, Kusro Qureshi, CV Shivashanker and Mohan Nagammanavara.
The coming up of Dwarakish Geleyara Gumpu would take up many social activities in the coming months.
Healthy discussions on good topics, cultural activities like Rotary and Lions Club, meeting once in a month are the agenda in the mind of highly respected Dwarakish.