Four biggies – Veera Parampare of Rs.4 crores, Yaksha of Rs.4 crores, Gana Bajana of Rs.2 crores and Gundragovi of Rs.1.5 crores – are going to contest with already existing super earner from super power star Puneeth Rajakumar ‘Jackie’, ‘Kichcha Huchcha’, ‘Pancharangi’ doing well occupying many theatres.
The biggest expectation films out of four films coming on silver screen this week are – Veera Parampare and Yaksha – Gundragovi according to industry sources might be a surprise hit and Gana Bajana a stylish film has the credit of songs scoring well among the listeners.
Veera Parampare by senior disciplined director cum producer S Narayan has Ambarish, Sudeep and Aindrita Ray in the first combination. With this S Narayan also holds the credit for directing all top stars so far in Kannada cinema.
With seven main characters and music too from S Narayan ‘Veera Parampare’ is a pukka Desi film that speaks about the generations. Ambi is Varade Gowda and his devotee is Sudeep in the film. R Giri is the cameraman.
‘Yaksha’ has Nana Patekar the storm on Hindi screen a stage actor doing the role of cop and dancing for a song in Yaksha a film by Samy Associates. TP Siddaraju after Dhuniya has taken up this film for his star son Yogish. Rubi is the counterpart for Yogi. Newcomer Ramesh Bhagavath is the director. Anoop Seelin has scored the music and Chandrasekhar is the cameraman.
Gana Bajana by the team of Love Guru has gathered good attention for the songs and style adopted by director Prashanth Raj. Tarun, Radhika Pandit, Dilipraj are in the prominent roles. Joshua Sridhar music and Shekar is the cameraman. Nim Cinema Naveen brother of director is the producer of ‘Gana Bajana’.