Producers Umesh Banakar and Anil Menasinakayi making the films ‘Mathondu Madhuvena’ a sequel to ‘Eradane Madhuve’ and ‘Limit’ in short span of time held twin films audio release event and media briefing on Thursday night at The Bell Hotel.
At this twin function the team of both the films felicitated veteran theatre personality and journalist Yeeranna – AS Murthy with a Mysore Peta, shawl and garland.
This is the 14th film I am working with Dinesh Baboo and the contents of this film holds a mirror to the society. After growing up children whether the parent is sent to old age or mental hospital is the situation I face in ‘Limit’ and role in ‘Mathondu Madhuvena’ is also quite different said versatile Ananthnag.
Srinivasamurthy plays the foreign returned person how he faces the cry for good match to his son. Sunderraj has a fun filled serious role.
Ramakrishna remembered his Prana snehitha days and how Shanker Nag introduced him to Dinesh Baboo. Shanker Nag died said Ramakrishna. I am living said Dinesh Baboo that evoked laughter.
Swastik Shanker remembered the almost nude role given to him in ‘Limit’. Naveen Krishna felt happy for his selection to ‘Limit’. Actress Priyanka Chandra and Nayana also spoke on this occasion. Actor Akshay recalled his experience of work. He is the son of director B Ramamurthy.
Director Dinesh Baboo preferred to talk after the formal address to the media. Ravindranath conducted the twin function.