The well received Kannada films ‘Pancharangi’ that earned eight times of investment in 50 days has now been punctured. Thanks to Piracy. What is astonishing is that the ‘Pancharangi’ lovely DVD pirated ones are available with sub titles in English.
This is again the insider job says the Gandhinagar pundits! The serious investigation only would reveal. This is similar to that of leakage of song Yakka Raja Rani…in the internet media.
Yogaraj Movies maiden film with co producer Subramanya was going so food after 50 days in 20 plus theatres and it was heading for 100 days.
Piracy suspected Kollegal and Mysore areas is now done in the heart of film activities. What is astonishing is that Yogaraj Bhat and his team members have not taken action to raid the places where pirated ‘Pancharangi’ DVD is sold.
On the other hand KFCC is spending time in holding meetings instead of some very good action plan. Basanthkumar Patil is going on telling that a separate raid will be conducted on behalf of the film industry.
It is already more than sufficient time for piracy operators. This is an example of Kanniddhu Kurudarugalu….Buddi Iddhu Daddarugalu……