Congratulating the gem of an actor a good human being Shivarajakumar from for his Silver Jubilee stay in the industry the 50th day of ‘Mylari’ success was celebrated with fanfare at Narthaki theatre by Akila Karnataka Shivarajakumar Sena Samithi.
‘Give prominence to Kannada films. They should run like other language films and not go away from theatres’. For this the Kannada people should make up mind disclosed Shivarajakumar after receiving tumultuous welcome and honor on his silver jubilee year day 19th February 2011.
The honor that has started for Shivanna will continue throughout the year like how it happened for our father Dr Rajakumar when he received the Padmabhushan and Phalke award stated Raganna. There was thunderous applause.
The booing crowd was in full zoom when Ambarish took the mike and lauded the qualities of Shivarajakumar and his brothers. Reacting to the song that was earlier shown ‘why Shivanna runs away from girls like his father’ Ambi told and immediately issued another statement all girls come loving to Shivanna. Geethakka you don’t worry Ambarish known for jovial talks stated.
For ‘Mylari’ 50 days event Narthaki theatre was in good fragrance and the cool weather was additional bonus to those who had come there.
35 years old friends of Shivarajakumar – Shekar and Vijayaprasad come to this event from Chennai. Mr Bhasker of Bharani Minerals and producer of ‘Lakshmi’ film of Shivarajakumar 101 were present with other guests on this occasion.
The Mahalakshmi layout MLA Nela Narendra Babu stated that Shivarajakumar has the leadership qualities and a same thing was attributed to Shivarajakumar by Prof Baraguru Ramachandrappa in ‘SP Varadaraju awards’ evening.