At the Dr Ambedkar Bhavan on Friday evening it was ‘Step-Up’ time! The urchin dresses ‘Step-Up’ team won the trophy organized by the ‘Aata’ Kannada film producer Shailendra Productions.
Six teams took part in the dance competition and in between a song of ‘Aata’ gave an entry to Sumanth Shailender and Vibha Natarajan the new buddies of the film.
It was a huge round of applaud for ‘Step-Up’ team. Judges Upendra, Ramya and Sadhu Kokila also applauded with spectators for the song and dance that looked very natural. Upendra on the spot recommended a chance for the dancing team actress Ramya gave peck to the young boy Aditya.
In another team young Varshini received the same applaud. Indo Asian Academy, Bhushan team, BMSEE College, Hip Hop team also took part in the dance competition.
Hip Hop team has won the runner up trophy and cash prize. Actress Neethu, Yagna Shetty and Ashwini gave wonderful performance for song numbers.
Srujan Lokesh was best once again in conducting the two and half an hour show at Dr Ambedkar Bhavan. Top personalities of Kannada cinema industry – Basanthkumar Patil, SV Rajendra Singh Babu, Priyanka Upendra, SK Bhagwan, SA Chinne Gowda, PH Vishwanath, Naganna, Ravi Chetan, Nanjunde Gowda and others were present on this occasion.