On the occasion of birth centenary of one of the stalwarts of Kannada cinema of early period BR Panthulu the Karnataka Chalanachitra Academy has raised to the occasion and celebrating the Panthulu Film Festival in all the districts of Karnataka.
The 19 films of Panthuluji will be screened a seminar will be conducted and a book to this effect will be published by KCA in its meager sanction of Rs.25 lakhs.
To coincide with the first year birth of KCA the most memorable film of BR Panthulu ‘Sri Krishnadevaraya’ film script was received from Panthulu’s daughter BR Vijayalakshmi. The script was received by colleague DC Nagesh it was announced that will be handed over to KCA.
BR Panthulu was richly remembered by Dr B Saroja Devi. Doordarshan should telecast half an hour program throughout the year contacting several people who worked with Panthuluji suggested DR BS. Panthuluji films should be discussed so has that it gives lot of scope for learning to the present generation. We have to look back to move forward opined Dr BS.
I cannot forget the patch up he has done for me with media persons in Karnataka. I was busy in 30 films in those days but for media I was not available to talk in Karnataka. The media almost boycotted me not writing my name. For ‘Anna Thangi’ review without mentioning name the media reviews said ‘Belli role in Anna Thangi has been performed very well. That Belli role was played by me she said.
It was during Kittur Rani Chennamma time Panthuluji invited all the media persons and said please forgive whatever happened in the past. That is why I always say he was ‘Dhani and Annadatha’.
Looking at BR Vijayalakshmi Dr B Saroja Devi felt like falling to her feet. She looked very similar to Panthuluji. If costumes are changed for BRV we see Panthuluji. He was a great personality. Helped everyone and lived a wonderful career remembered DR BS.