The humble and simple cinematographer with eight long years of existence Shekar Chandru has at last burst out his anguish. That is related to Dayal Padmanabhan producer and director not paying a single rupee for ‘Circus’ cinematography. I was behind this cinema doing all the work entrusted. On a friendship note I told him to pay my remuneration of Rs.6 lakhs for ‘Circus’ cinematography later on. Now even after a year and half he has not paid a single paisa says Shekar Chandru in a choked voice.
Some time back last year he asked me to cut down the remuneration as he has not made money from ‘Circus’. I said you can reduce Rs.1.5 lakh on friendship. Related to the economics of ‘Circus’ is concerned he has not suffered loss. The loss is for me says Shekar Chandru.
The same situation was there for hero Ganesh? He would not left even a single rupee. He is clever says Chandru.
Starting from Neela Megha Shyama in 2000 Shekar Chandru has so far worked for 20 films. The uniqueness is that on this Friday 18th June two of his films ‘Punda’ and ‘Krishnan Love Story’ are releasing all over Karnataka.
Shekar Chandru has immensely appreciated the talent of Radhika Pandit in ‘Krishnan Love Story’. In the second half no one scores it is only Radhika Pandit who strikes remarkably states Chandru.
The glamour portion of Meghana Raj is excellent he says drawing his attention on ‘Punda’. At the interval block the shot Shekar Chandru has handled covering 60 street lights with cinema lights fitting the steady cam to the motorbike and running on the other side to capture the sequence is a new attempt he says.
Apparently the 75 percent of the ‘Punda’ cinema is captured night effect lighting. Perhaps the first Kannada cinema to make use of the night effect so widely says Shekar Chandru.