Making one of the biggest movies ‘Gandugali Kumara Rama’ with whopping Rs.8 crores what MR Pattabhiram got to hear was something depressing in his life. Remembering what was said three and half years ago it is very ‘Katina’ he says that is very bad compared to the defeat of the film.
After losing everything of his investment ‘who asked them to spend so much, no one asked them to make the film’ hurt this gem of a man is further upset because no one inquired when he sitting with depression due to loss. I got disturbed in the house my mother told me not to take up films in future. ‘Aptharu Baralilla’. Sahanabhoothi did not come he cursed his fate. I did not want sympathy. But attempt was not recognized by the people firstly and industry kept a cool head.
‘Naanenu Maha Papa Madidhena’ felt MRP after all disaster the film ‘GKR’ gave him. Shivarajakumar telephoned twice is only inquiry I had. After the flop of GKR I inquired Dr Vishnuvardhana for a subject in negative shade for him with Shivarajakumar. He turned down the offer. I had even told after watching ‘Shabdavedi’ that Dr Rajakumar should not do this kind of film. I had shown concern but no one showed simple support. At this time I felt ‘Chitra and Chitraranga’ is not for me lamented MRP.
Sri Raghavendra Swamigalu came in my dream made me to take up the television project. That is the courage for me now. Earlier Srushti and Gagana Kusuma television serials we have made from MSR Entertainment group. Now we hope for good support from all for the first mega television serial on Sri Raghavendra Swamy.
Meanwhile ‘Dashavathara’ of MRP is kept in abeyance. Director Renuka Sharma went in for medical treatment thrice. Now we have kept him as consulting director for ‘Guru Raghavendra Vaibhava’ and the philosophy cum ideology of BL Suresh is close to mine made me to take up this project said MRP.
One rupee is earned from ‘Guru Raghavendra Vaibhva’ 49 paisa of it goes to Mantrayala stated MRP.