Something remarkable! Something encouraging for the film ‘Raj The Showman’. As Smt.Parvathamma Rajakumar and Raghavendra Rajakumar forecast long ago that Puneeth Rajakumar and director Prem would create revolution the first result of it has come from the audio industry now.
The release of audio of ‘Raj-the Showman’ on Ugadi has seen fabulous results and in two days 70000 audio CD is sold all over Karnataka and heavy rush for Ashwini Audio that is marketing the audio of the film. The sale is something unheard from last five years. It was only for ‘Jogi’ such a craze had come.
Krishnaprasad in place of Ramprasad on Monday morning expressed that if the trend continues we would sell more than 2 lakhs audio CD’s before the release of the film. His brother, family members are also attached now for speedy meet of the demand for audio.
The audio stalls owners Srinivas, Ashok Kumar, Kumar, Dhanush, Harish came to the Green House Raj Milan on Monday morning to explain the craze ‘Raj The Showman’ has created for the film.
According to Ashok Kumar of SP Road the sale and demand of Puneeth Rajakumar and Prem combination has given new courage. Within half an hour the repeat orders have come. The others feel they have come out from the blackness of to light from result of audio of ‘Raj The Showman’.