The pillar of Dr Rajakumar family Raghavendra Rajakumar has broken the news first for this that the second year Dr Rajakumar ‘Souhardha Award’ of Rs.1 lakh and felicitation will be bestowed on – Shani Mahadevappa, Choreographer Devi and character artist Bengaluru Nagesh.
The first year Dr Rajakumar Souhardha award was given on last year April 24 at Hotel Ashok to Shivaramanna, SK Bhagwan and Shanthamma.
This year the second annual ‘Souhardha Award’ in the name of Dr Rajakumar is given on 23rd of April at Le Meredian in the afternoon at 3 pm says Raghavendra Rajakumar.
On the same day after the Dr Rajakumar Souhardha award the ‘Hudugaru’ Kannada film the 79th production of Dr Rajakumar Family banner will be released says Raganna.
All the three recipients of Dr Rajakumar Souhardha award this year are veterans and worked in the films of Dr Rajakumar.