In the attire of Vijayanagara Kingdom Sri Krishnadevaraya wife Thirumaladevi the intelligent bubbly actress Harshika Poonacha looks very grand. While this is a fact in the new attire for the first time in her career at the ‘Hampi Utsav’ that was concluded recently she looked very much Dr Bharathi Vishnuvardhana of yesteryears.
In fact Harshika has done what Abhinaya Sharadhe Jayanthi had done block buster ‘Sri Krishnadevaraya’ Kannada cinema starring Dr Rajakumar directed BR Panthulu. The role of Chinnadevi second wife of the king was played by Dr Bharathi Vishnuvardhana.
Writing on her new assignment Harshika back home on face book with photographs of the event says it was prestigious and at the same it was good playing such a role with senior actor Ramkumar as ‘Sri Krishnadevaraya’. For Ramkumar is the role what his father in law Dr Rajakumar had played with aplomb.
It was skit held on 29th of January of two hours duration. It was directed by eminent director Saiprakash. Sadhu Kokila, Ramakrishna, Umesh, Sangeetha Shetty were also part of this play.
The super power star Puneeth Rajakumar was the guest and he congratulated actress Harshika on her performance and looks in the attire of Thirumala Devi.
Harshika Poonacha had a song and dance and feels proud for being a part of such a wonderful cultural program.