The lady lass with bright smile Archana Gupta who is in her third film is high on her enthusiasm. Addressing the media out of excitement she said I don’t mind jumping from the hill around here. She was speaking to media at Manchinabele Dam where the river was surrounded by hills on the three sides where a house in wood at a cost of Rs.6 lakh is brought up by art director Krishnachar.
I know swimming, car driving a little of horse riding and for the film I don’t mind jumping from the hill, I am not scared said Archana smiling widely. She has 80 percent to perform that she did not had in Circus and Lift Kodla. The film ‘Lift Kodla’ with Jaggesh is different but this ‘Karthik’ is totally different she points.
I play rough in the beginning bash up so many things in the jeep but later transform to a soft role. ‘Karthi’ has lovely songs besides good story and the team of the film is very lovely Archana jumps in joy on her charming and arrogant role. I have four songs in this film but no a ‘Solo’ songs why she asks the director Sateesh Shetty. Archana believes the entire family would like the film ‘Karthik’ that star Karthik Shetty a Mangalorean.
Meanwhile the puppy she nourished which she found on the road side sometime ago is not with her. After two days of Dettol soap bath and good food the accompaniments of Archana especially the hotel where she was staying found it difficult. Her assistants left that puppy in one of the kitchens and told Archana it is safe got enough to eat. After that Archana she went back to her home town and not bothered about it.
Two films completed already in Kannada one in Telugu and two in Hindi Archana also stated about her picking up weight and losing it to 39 to 40 kilograms. When the first Hindi film was offered she had to look thin and sorrow because she was in a labourer role. After this she got her first Kannada offer ‘Circus’ but once again after Kannada film she got Hindi film that demanded little flesh for the role. So I had the opportunity to reduce and increase my weight she stated.