For no strong reason I have been removed from ‘Huli’ Kannada film by director Om Prakash Rao. He narrated about the film so well given me the advance but finally he opted for Jennifer Kotwal. Why? I am upset with director Omprakash Rao. I liked the journalist role so much and jumping in joy to do that role. Once again for a Kannada heroine ‘Mosa Aithu’ said actress of relevance today Neethu.
Neethu has one two years pending film ‘Thyagu’ ready and Krishna Nee Late agi Baaro is coming this week. She has another plum offer in ‘Aithalakkadi’ that is also hitting the silver screen this week. She has a dance number with Baba Sehgal in ‘Puneeth’. I accept the song numbers there is nothing wrong she said. Will it be Neethu films festival in this month? She laughs with a wide smile putting her long grown hair behind.
Neethu after inaugurating a dance institute had to change her dress to come to the media briefing of ‘Krishna Nee Late Agi Baaro….she came late because she had to come to this film press meet with modern outfit. She has a modern role and Nidhi Subbaiah is ‘Gowramma’ so Nidhi came in usual Churi Dhar.
Neethu always smiling and very cool talking to media persons was happy with a few of the media friends appreciated her dancing ability on Sunday evening Shimoga state film awards. Dancing with Puneeth Rajakumar was a fantastic moment in my life said Neethu and jumped in joy once again for appreciation to her dance number in Bindhaas…song and Hosa Gana Bajana….