The Kannada film ‘Jai Hindi’ that went on the floor on Thursday in Kanteerava and later held a function at GM Rejoyz where minister of BJP government Shoba Karandlaje was present is all about making an attempt to evaporate terrorism to some extent.
Major Srinivas Poojar is making another attempt to give a strong foothold to his son Sandesh after ‘E Sambashane’ failed miserably. Countering the terrorism by army personnel in a situation using his own courage and brilliance is the part of the film ‘Jai Hindi’.
Major Srinivas Poojar investing Rs.1.5 crore on his son has also invested his brain in scripting the story for the film. He has taken director Venugopal and his son to the military areas to know many facts and that is all to make it authentic.
Sandesh has taken six months of preparation for this film and his father given him the tips for this subject. My role is a combination of Dhairya, Shakthi and Yukthi he says.
Venugopal has directed two films in the past – Avanandre Avanu and Silence. In his third film he is shooting in Kashi and ending the climax portion in Rajasthan.
Pooja Gandhi is there to support the mission of the hero Sandesh. She plays a doctor in the film. Doddanna is the corrupt MP.