Yet another proud heroine of Kannada cinema the sprightly Radhika Pandit is in cloud nine situation and feeling as if Sagar theatre belongs to her as four in a row of her career is show in this well maintained theatre.
Radhika Pandit as college girl in Moggina Manasu, IT professional in Love Guru and shop owner daughter in Olave Jeevana Lekkachara got released in Sagar theatre. It is in this Sagar theatre the fourth film of Radhika Pandit ‘Krishnan Love Story’ with Ajay as counterpart is also releasing on 18th of this month.
For the local girl Radhika Pandit another local girl Meghana Raj daughter of Pramila Joshai and Sunder Raj is going to give close fight as ‘Punda’ with Yogish as hero is releasing on 18th of this month.
Radhika Pandit is ‘Geetha’ in ‘Krishnan Love Story’ in which she plays the lower middle class girl. From scratch this role I had to learn that is very new to me. I lived the role of ‘Geetha’ says the beautiful and brainy Radhika Pandit. wishes her to shine as one of the brightest stars of Kannada cinema. The similar blessing of course is also there for Meghana Raj!