Amid tight security and keeping away the media for the security reasons the leading lady Smt Sudha Murthy who has the global attention took part in the shooting for her first Kannada film ‘Prarthane’ on Wednesday at KGS Club in Cubbon Park, Bangalore.
With a little make up she agreed on compulsion the proud lady of Karnataka Smt Sudha Murthy came to the shooting spot at 11 am and participated in the shooting till 4 pm. She was decked in grand looking green saree, with jasmine flowers and traditional ‘Kumkum’ taking central attraction for the shooting and there was no costume change. The portion of Smt Sudha Murthy for ‘Prarthane’ is on the screen for 22 minutes says journalist turned director Sadashiva Shenoy.
As there was instruction to maintain the strict rules when Smt Sudha Murthy is around I had to obey it and could not invite the media friends stated Sadashiva Shenoy on his inability to not to invite his colleagues.
She resembles the ‘Voice of Karnataka’ in the film ‘Prarthane’. So you can expect valuable statements from Smt Sudha Murthy in the film. Quoting the report of the UN report that there are nearly 12000 languages around the world are at the extinction Sadashiva Shenoy was stunned with the Kannada language also one among it made him to give a solid message in support of the language.
At the global level from Karnataka the Kannada speaking Smt Sudha Murthy is the right ambassador to promote my thought that Kannada should flourish so I invited the honorable lady informed Shenoy. In the first round of discussion Shenoy says he came to know the volumes of knowledge on the history of Karnataka and Kannada from the leading lady.
‘Prarthane’ Kannada film produced by Harish and a debut for highly respected journalist Sadashiva Shenoy is focusing many vital issues that are not dealt seriously so far in the film media.
‘Prarthane’ has to complete three days shoot featuring Prakash Raj. Ananthnag, BC Patil, Pavitra Lokesh, Ashok, Master Sachin are in the cast. Veer Samarth has scored the music for one prayer song.